Anxiety seems to be ever more prevalent in our society than ever before. The feeling of anxiety can range from mild feelings of restlessness to anxiety disorders with panic attacks and complete overwhelm. The latest DSM mentions the following symptoms as key indicators of anxiety:

– Restlessness

– Being easily fatigued

– Difficulty concentrating

– Irritability

– Muscle tension

– Sleep disturbances

– Excessive worry

These are symptoms that I see frequently in clinic in more days than not, which is concerning for the person’s quality of life and everyday enjoyment.

Luckily herbal medicine can offer a lot of natural support for calming and resetting the nervous system, but first it’s important to understand what happens to the body when you are suffering from anxiety.

Essentially, anxiety is a helpful and normal stress response to help us survive, but nowadays the body can perceive everything around us as a threat provoking this response, including loud noises, busy work schedules, traffic, stress, relationships and so much more. Anxiety signals to the brain that there is possible danger and in turn the adrenal glands release a surge of adrenaline to help us to prepare for “fight or flight”. Some of the key responses adrenaline helps with are; increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, redistribution of blood to the muscles and alteration of the body’s metabolism to help us survive. Adrenaline is released in times of greater stress and anxiety (when the sympathetic nervous system is dominant), but another hormone noradrenaline is continuously released when anxiety is present, which has a similar effect on the body, which can over time, cause health problems.

 Some of the physical and emotional effects of short to long-term anxiety is extreme fatigue, loss of libido, heart palpitations, digestive disturbances, depression, headaches, loss of concentration, poor memory, poor absorption of nutrients, poor immunity and panic attacks. Therefore, support to help the body return to baseline is vital during times of anxiety and stress.

Five examples of herbal support that can help to soothe and reduce anxiety are:


Kava is one of my top picks for those with anxiety. It works rapidly by calming the nervous system, encouraging deep sleep, relaxing muscles and reducing pain. It will keep you calm throughout the day and allow you to sleep well and recharge at night.

Green oats

Green oats are supportive for the nervous system, acting as a nervine tonic and anxiolytic. Use of this herb will reduce the feelings of overwhelm.


Saffron is a wonderful herb for those who suffer from feelings of depression alongside anxiety. It acts as an antidepressant, enhances cognition, supports the lowering of blood pressure and blood sugar levels for overall stress and health support.


Lavender is great for reducing anxiety and also acts as an antidepressant. Lavender also supports those with digestive issues, especially those related to stress and anxiety.


Valerian is a highly effective herbal choice for those with anxiety that are also struggling with sleep. It acts as an anxiolytic and mild sedative to soothe the nervous system and encourage deep, restful sleep.

Note: To ensure efficacy it is important to use quality herbs, it is also important to cross reference medications to ensure there are no interactions. Please check this with your naturopath, medical herbalist or doctor before starting herbal formulas.  This is especially important with pregnancy, breastfeeding and medication use.

If you would like your own personalised and tailored herbal formula to help with anxiety and stress please get in touch.